AI-driven Social Queue

A tool to find and engage valuable customers on social media


Increased engagement KPI by 300% MoM by introducing an experience that streamlines finding and engaging valuable customers on social media.

Mobile App
Web App


  • Product design
  • UX research


The HYP3R platform empowers businesses with physical locations, such as theme parks, hotels, stadiums, restaurants, and malls, to view and engage customers sharing from their locations on social media. The primary engagement KPI of HYP3R is the number of visitors engaged per account.

HYP3R enables marketers to browse social content shared from their physical locations in a "Pinterest-Style" experience with infinite-scrolling.

In early 2018, we experienced a growth spurt fueled by a sales effort to expand the contract size of existing customers. Compared with our existing user base, the new batch of users had lower activation and engagement.

I was tasked with investigating the root cause and developing a solution to increase adoption.


I interviewed users with lower engagement and compared their behavior data with users with high engagement to better understand their unique needs and pain points. A few insights emerged from this work:

Key findings

🔍   Cognitive load

Our infinite-scrolling feed encourages continuous browsing instead of helping users make decisions, making the process more time-consuming.

🖱️   UI ergonomics

The information necessary to make decisions about engaging a customer, such as followers and loyalty, is not readily accessible. Users must navigate through multiple clicks to get the needed data, adding additional friction to the workflow.

🧠   Knowledge gap

Our users were discouraged from adoption because they lacked a playbook for identifying and engaging "valuable" customers. Marketers are used to broadcasting their brand's message on social media, where our product enables a direct brand-to-customer engagement approach.

⏰   Time constraints

A new persona emerged from our last batch of users: Marketers on location. These users spend most of their time managing customers and promotions, leaving a limited time to include customer engagement in their workload.



Social media manager
  • User base: 80% of MAU (and shrinking)
  • KPI: ~ 20 customer engaged per day

  • Goal: Increase brand's reach
  • Main challenge: Identifying valuable customers among hundreds
  • Frustration: "I don't know who to engage and waste time scrolling aimlessly"
  • Jobs:
    Create and publish content
    Community management
  • Behavior: Mainly operates from a desktop in an office on HQ.


Marketer on location
  • User base: 20% of MAU (and growing)
  • KPI: ~ 1.5 customer engaged per day

  • Goal: Improve sales and customer satisfaction
  • Main challenge: Finding time to engage customers proactvieluy
  • Frustration: "My day is already consumed by customer complaints and other stuff"
  • Jobs:
    Manage client relationships
    Run promotions
    Upsell products and services
  • Behavior: Works "on-the-go" from a tablet or phone on location.


Marketers struggle to adopt our product because they lack the time and know-how to find and engage customers on social media. Our user experience's ergonomics compounds this friction by making finding  "valuable" customers unnecessarily time-consuming.

If we didn't address this problem, customers would likely churn when their contract is due to renew.

How may we empower marketers to find and engage valuable customers efficiently?


Once we clearly articulated the problem, I conducted a design sprint to brainstorm solutions with stakeholders from the customer success, product, and engineering teams.

Photo of sticky notes of potential solution ideas on whiteboard of potential UI solutions in whiteboardPhoto of sketches of potential UI solutions in whiteboard

Several "low-hanging" solutions were suggested, including more powerful filters and alerts to help streamline finding customers to engage. However, users already use them as workarounds with little success.

Ultimately, we believed the Feed interface was not the optimal experience for "engaging customers, so we aligned on developing a new surface to streamline the job.

As a result of the design sprint, we agreed upon the following principles:

Works out-of-the-box

Users should be able to quickly view the most critical opportunities to engage customers without any configuration.


No business is the same. Users should be able to customize the opportunities we show them to their brand's unique needs.

Readily accessible

Users should have quick access to the information needed to decide if they should engage a customer.

Fast and focused

Users have a lot on their plate. We aim to empower users to complete their job in 10 minutes or less.

Authentic first

We streamline but we don't automate. Customer engagement must feel authentic and unique to each customer.

First I explored two UX concepts that streamlined the experience and dynamically surface the "most valuable visitors and their relevant information. To validate the approach, I conducted concept testing sessions with 12 users using clickable prototypes.

Overall, concept A resonated the most with users with a 100% of participants completing task without assistance and 10/12 participants selecting it as their preferred option when prompted.


In collaboration with our lead data scientist, we designed an algorithm to identify valuable visitors based on data points such as influence and loyalty.

We released a beta version to 10% of the user base to validate the effectiveness of new user experience. The new user experience generated over 350% more engaged visitors when compared to the old experience.

After the beta period, I interviewed beta users to identify aspects to improve. As a result, we designed and built the following improvements:

Engage with 1-Click

We streamlined the workflow even more by enabling users to skip or engage visitors with 1-click using pre-made templates and keyboard shortcuts.

Customizable queue

We enabled users to create rules to tailor their queue to their unique priorities or goals to provide more control over experience . e.g. visitors with large followings, verified profiles, visitors posting about special moments, such as birthdays 🥳

Extended customer profile

We expanded the visitor information available to include data points, such as activity across owned and competitive locations, to help users make a more informed decision.


The feature was designed, built and launched in less than 2 months. As a result, we:

  • Increased number of engaged visitors per account by ~300% MoM
  • Incremented avg. engaged visitors per user by ~125% MoM

In addition, multiple higher level KPIs improved as a result of the feature:

  • Reduce avg. time to activation from 10 days to 2 days 
  • Reduced avg. time to engagement from 16 min to 4 min


High-def mockups